All students MUST register with Infant Swimming Resource before starting lessons. The $105 fee is non-refundable and is due at the time you submit your child’s medical registration. To ensure we provide the safest lesson for your child we will ask a few yes/no questions regarding your child’s development and medical history.


Initial Session


If you have never been in the ISR program and have a new student this is for you! Dependent upon age and skill level, students will learn either a Rollback to Float or our Swim Float Swim Sequence. This session lasts approximately six weeks, Monday through Friday (5 days a week), with 10 minute lessons per day.

All lessons are student dependent which means we never release a student until they can self-rescue in some way, regardless of the length of time it takes to skill the child.




Already gone through the program? Has it been six months? Refreshers are for you! Refresher lessons are suggested every six months. As children grow, their skills will need to be adjusted to their new height and weight. Refreshers are highly recommended to refine their skills as they’ve most likely hit developmental milestones since the last time they’ve seen us.

Has it been over a year? If so it may be time to update your child’s medical registration. A lot can change since we saw them last and safety is #1. We want to continue to provide the safest lesson possible and cost to update is $35.


Maintenance lessons


All finished? Need a little tweak here and there to maintain skills? After finishing the Initial set of ISR's Self-Rescue program Maintenance lessons are used to keep your child’s skills fine tuned and sharp so that they don’t develop any “bad habits”.

These are not the same as Refreshers and are used to keep them in the water using their skills appropriately with an Instructor.